Opening Event
Social Muscle Club
Welcome to the first Social Muscle Club in Hohenlockstedt
27. April 2019 at M.1 of the Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung
Program: 3:00-6:00 pm
Finale with music & buffet: 6:00-8:00 pm
Admission and all offers are for free!
What exactly is this about?
Our life is full of helping gestures and small attentions that we receive or offer to others. This daily giving and taking is what community and cohesion are all about. And yet these gestures often go unnoticed. We want to change that and show our "social muscles" together in one afternoon. A fulfilling day awaits you on which your social biceps will really come into their own. But be careful: there is a danger of sore muscles!
How can I imagine that in concrete terms?
After an introduction and the first acquaintance everyone writes down what they would like to give and what they could need. No matter whether it's the desire for a homemade cake or a walk together. Wishes & offers are distributed within the table rounds and the exchange can begin. Soon a colourful web of new friendships, shared passions, hidden talents and fulfilled wishes will emerge - accompanied by laughter, music and coffee & cake.
Here you will find an explanatory comic by the artist Annina Burkhard and shows how easy it is to be part of a Social Muscle Club.
Who is it for? What ́s the program like?
Everyone is warmly invited, there is a varied programme for young and old: between the swapping rounds, the Kekeli drum group and the Frank & the Michaelscountry band will play; the Foundation's 2019/20 Art Prizes will also be officially awarded to Malu Blume and Maternal Fantasies. They present their artistic works in performances and a small exhibition. For the kids there's a playroom, a crafts programme by Daniela Mandel, table tennis, popcorn and a goal wall for soccer...
2:30 pm – Arrival & reception with music by Frank and the Michaels
3:00 pm – Greetings & introduction to the Social Muscle Clubwith Sascia Bailer and Jill Emerson
3:30 pm – 1st exchange round of the Social Muscle Club
4:00 pm – Music by drum group Kekeli
4:15 pm – 2nd exchange round of the Social Muscle Club
4:45 pm – Prize Ceremony of the Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung Artist Advancement Awards 2019/20
5:00 pm – 3rd exchange round of the Social Muscle Club
5:30 pm – Interactive performance by artist collective Maternal Fantasies
5:45 pm – Closing words by Sascia Bailer & Jill Emerson, Music by Frank and the Michaels
6-8 pm – Closing with music & evening buffet. The exhibition of the prize awardees will continue to be open.
Who is involved?
You will surely see many familiar faces: At each table, a dedicated person from the village will take over the moderation in a small circle. Cake will be conjured up by the LandFrauenverein; the evening buffet by the artist Lily Wittenburg. Jill Emerson, artist and co-founder of the Social Muscle Club, will moderate the program with Sascia Bailer, artistic director M.1. The entire team of the Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung will also be there and is looking forward to seeing you.
Great! How do I get there?
M.1 Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung
Breite Straße 18
25551 Hohenlockstedt
Entrance from Finnische Allee
You can find detailed directions on our website.
About the Social Muscle Club
The project Social Muscle Club was founded by the artists Jill Emerson and Till Rothmund in Berlin "for all those who want to support each other in the global village, in the midst of a society in which individuals often feel overwhelmed". The model was a documentary film about a workers' club in Sheffield; the club was not only entertainment for all members but also a self-governing social safety net. The Berlin artists were inspired and first met in a small group in the living room and developed ideas together to support each other. Since 2012, the Social Muscle Club has grown exponentially, reaching thousands of people in over ten international cities. There are also regular clubs in Berlin, Basel, Bristol and Vienna.
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