Umrisse – In den Rissen. Soundinstallation von Polyphrenic Creatures Ich bin auf der Suche. Ich komme an. Ich lasse los. Ich breche auf. Ich bin offen. Ich bin Umriss. Ich bin Riss. Ich möchte uns eine gemeinsame Form geben.

The artist duo Polyphrenic Creatures collected voices from the storytelling-cafés of Holo Miteinander, which act as experiences and resistances in relation to togetherness in rural areas. The sound installation uses layered collages from the individual stories to transform them into a polyphonic space of resonance for the ideas and needs of differently lived realities.

You can listen to the sound piece on our Vimeo channel.


Polyphrenic Creatures is an interdisciplinary collective founded by the artists Ulrike Bernard and Amelie Marei Loellmann. Since 2014 they have been devoting themselves to the utopian and fantastic under the guise of reality in dialogic exchange formats, live audio dramas and audio walks. Their live audio drama Creatures in the Mind Nets was presented at steirischer herbst in Graz in 2016. Their work Softsonic GG, which explores digital communication structures and tests listening as an active form of action, was shown at district Berlin in 2017. Currently, a collaboration with the Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung in Hohenlockstedt is taking place for the storytelling-café series Holo Miteinander.

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Within the framework of the Holo Miteinander project, we would like to actively pave the way for a future of solidarity in Hohenlockstedt (Holo for short), which promotes and values the village community, care work and inclusion. Local actors from these areas are networked through a platform for exchange and action. Our goal: to work together to care for the community and to counteract the acute crisis in the social sphere with a community based on solidarity. We do this by establishing the café room in M.1 as an easily accessible and barrier-free platform for getting to know each other, learning from each other and exchanging ideas. Together with decision-makers from various care sectors, we organised six storytelling-cafés on the topics of mobility, living, working, eating, and leisure. Invited were both those affected and interested from the surrounding area as well as people who are already working on these topics. We dedicate ourselves to listening to each other and create awareness for the needs of different life situations. The task of the process is to transfer this "new" knowledge together and in the long term into stable solidarity structures in Hohenlockstedt.