Polyphrenic Creatures

Polyphrenic Creatures is an interdisciplinary collective founded by the artists Ulrike Bernard and Amelie Marei Loellmann. Since 2014 they have been devoting themselves to the utopian and fantastic under the guise of reality in dialogic exchange formats, live audio dramas and audio walks. Their live audio drama Creatures in the Mind Nets was presented at steirischer herbst in Graz in 2016. Their work Softsonic GG, which explores digital communication structures and tests listening as an active form of action, was shown at district Berlin in 2017. Currently, a collaboration with the Arthur Boskamp-Stiftung in Hohenlockstedt is taking place for the storytelling-café series Holo Miteinander.

More information: http://www.polyphreniccreatures.de

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