Holo Miteinander A Project for a Solidarity Community in Hohenlockstedt

Holo Miteinander

A Project for a Solidarity Community in Hohenlockstedt

Within the framework of the Holo Miteinander project, we would like to actively pave the way for a future of solidarity in Hohenlockstedt (Holo for short), which promotes and values the village community, care work and inclusion. Local actors from these areas are networked through a platform for exchange and action. Our goal: to work together to care for the community and to counteract the acute crisis in the social sphere with a community based on solidarity. We do this by establishing the café room in M.1 as an easily accessible and barrier-free platform for getting to know each other, learning from each other and exchanging ideas. Together with decision-makers from various care sectors, we are organising six storytelling-cafés on the topics of mobility, living, working, eating, and leisure. Invited are both those affected and interested from the surrounding area as well as people who are already working on these topics. We dedicate ourselves to listening to each other and create awareness for the needs of different life situations. The task of the process will be to transfer this "new" knowledge together and in the long term into stable solidarity structures in Hohenlockstedt.

The storytelling-cafés will be accompanied by the artist duo Polyphrenic Creatures, consisting of Ulrike Bernard and Amelie Marei Löllmann. For their artistic work they initiate performative situations in which listening plays a central role. They (over)write stories and in dialogical encounters they enter into an exchange of ideas with the participants. As part of the storytelling-café series Holo Miteinander, they themselves become listeners and will not only help shape this process with various artistic interventions, but also actively observe it. Statements, moods, ideas, connections - everything that happens visibly and invisibly in conversations will be observed - not in the sense of "fixing", but as an opportunity to develop new perspectives, to create points of contact for interaction and to sense impulses for getting involved.

Holo Miteinander is organized by Sascia Bailer, artistic director of M.1 2019/20 and Claudia Dorfmüller, director of the program M.1 Lokal. The project is funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education within the framework of "MITEINANDER REDEN". This is a nationwide pilot project for actors in rural areas, in which a total of 100 projects are funded between 2019 and 2021.

The new federal political programme "MITEINANDER REDEN" has been initiated and is financed by the Arbeitskreis deutscher Bildungsstätten (AdB), the Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund (DStGb), the Deutsche Vernetzungsstelle Ländliche Räume (DVS) and the Deutscher Volkshochschulverband and is implemented by the educational agency labconcepts as programme office.

Mailinglist Holo Miteinander

We have set up a mailing list that you can use to keep in touch via email, discuss topics, exchange information and make appointments. We hope that through this mailing list the discussion, sharing of experiences, wishes and ideas will continue outside M.1 - and maybe even find new interest groups. You find more information here.
